Thursday, January 3, 2013

Caitlin's Diary #1

Well here we are in the Northern Territory. The three musketeers- plus Jim ;) Ever been into a sauna with your clothes on and stayed in there for 24 hours? Well, that’s what Darwin feels like. However, the wet season hasn’t been as wet as I was expecting. It does rain, and torrentially, a crazy amount at a time, but only for about half an hour or so. Yesterday on the way back from a big shop up at Officeworks and Bunnings we drove through a black cloud and out into sunshine on the other side which was pretty bizarre for us Melbournians. We’ve been very efficiently (thanks to Rita’s excellent list-making and delegation skills) navigating shops all around Darwin gathering supplies for a month long stay in Minyerri. 

Getting pretty excited about meeting the kids and getting started with my art activities, but also fairly nervous as it will be my first experience in such a remote setting. Had a great day filming some scenes for our ‘welcome’ video, to show the kids, of us mucking about and generally being acrobatic geniuses in the hotel pool. Today’s other highlight included having the freshest fish we’d ever tasted, Barra of course. Also, as my friends and family will be pleased to know, I have yet to have sighted any crocs. I think I had prepared myself to see them just wandering around main street Darwin, but thankfully this doesn’t seem to be the case!

That's all from me for now, more activity plans to work on before bed. Two sleeps to go! 

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